And they were senselessly murdered just because they were different. Nothing today can compare to the holocaust because it was so massive and unforgettable. But the holocaust has taught us about how people need to treat each other. If people start to treat each other like the Nazis did the Jews there is no stopping another holocaust from happening again. The Nazis were judgmental raciest and disgusting people who hated anyone who was different then them.
Cruel Times. The Holocaust was a terrible and horrific time for all people under the rule of Adolf Hitler. Hitler played a lead role in the Holocaust and the laws, which he passed, were extremely cruel and harsh towards the Jews and minorities. If that was not enough later laws were enacted dictating instructions for the complete extermination of the Jewish race. The Nazis were so unforgiving and cruel in their ways that Jews and Minorities had to find new ways of living without becoming known to the Nazis and the German public.
The Jews were not targeted for mass murder until 1941, eight years after the Nazis’ rise to power. During this time, the Nazis’ persecution of the Jews forced many Jews out of Europe, while the Vienna and Prague branches of the Central Office for Jewish Emigration were set up by Adolf Eichmann to expel Jews from Nazi-controlled areas. The expulsion of Jews out of Europe meant that they were letting their targets of mass genocide leave instead of exterminating them, and thus shows that the Nazis had never intended to wipe out the European Jewish population from the moment they came into power. Another indication during this time that the Nazis had not planned the extermination of Jews was the methods they used. At first, propaganda was used to alienate the Jews, before they were herded into ghettos or forced to work at concentration camps.
Hitler’s Obession Holocaust survivor, Giuliana Tedeschi said, “There is a place on earth that is a vast desolate wilderness, a place populated by shadows of the dead in their multitudes, a place where the living are dead, where only death, hate and pain exist.” Concentration camps are camps in which large number of people are kept or arrested. They are usually under terrible conditions and there are no legal norms. The first concentration camp in Germany was established after Adolf Hitler became chancellor in Januray 1933. The Nazis thought they were racially superior than every other ethnic, specially the Jews. Hitler said Jews were a disgrace and a threat to Germany.
In Hitler’s mind inferior humans included Jews, gays, gypsies, etcetera. With the Nazi party behind him he began to capture these inferior persons. Under Hitler’s control the Nazi party started systematically persecuting and killing people of Jewish decent, thus the Holocaust began. This idea of eliminating the Jews was known as
The Holocaust The Holocaust happen when Adolf Hitler took over the government in Germany. Adolf Hitler turned the country against Jews, he believed that Aryans ( tall, blond, blue-eyed, and usually from german descent) were the superior race of humans (Byers 14). Most Jews were not Aryan, they usually had brown hair, brown eyes and short. He saw them as vermin and the cause of The Great Depression, occurring at the time, this would later led to his “ Final Solution” that would end the Jewish race and culture. He thought that if he moved the Jews and concentrated them into one spot then it would solve his problem.
In 1919, Hitler had written that systematic legitimate opposition can only be done through sensible anti Semitism (The Holocaust, n.d). He blamed Jews for the defeat in war and also asserted that Jews stabbed us in the back just to seize power and control German people. Hitler also declared that Jews wanted to undermine the Aryan Race through communism and capitalism. In his book Mein Kampf, (My Struggle) he further extended this hatred for Jews when he said that Jews are an evil race who wants to dominate the world. Nazi policy treated Jews as “parasitic vermin” who are only worthy of eradication.
She never says anything when he speaks to her in this scene, but then everything changes when he begins to blame her for his "irrational and unclear thinking," immediately he then proceeds to beat her. When genocide occurs, it strikes a nerve in everyone when it is one country or one type of people going after another. When it occurs within a state or nationality is still wrong, but looked upon as them doing it to themselves. What happened to the Jews in Europe as Germany progressed in World War II was in fact genocide. It was the Germans looking down upon the Jewish community as monsters, witches, and simply put people that the world would be better off if they ceased to
Dehumanization in Night During the World War II period in the mid 1900’s Hitler and the Nazi Party tried to rid of the Jewish population in Europe. This event was called the Holocaust, which literally means an event of mass destruction. Hitler tried to eliminate the Jews by placing them in concentration camps to work and to eventually die. These camps were run by the Nazis and they would constantly dehumanize the Jews, this means to deprive them of their human qualities and their identities. In many cases, Eliezer would witness many Jews being tormented by dehumanization but he stayed strong for himself and for his father.
The Holocaust “By warding off the Jews, I am fighting for the Lords work” (Harran 50). This quote is the exact words of the worlds most accomplished mass murderer in history, Adolf Hitler. His goal was to exterminate the complete Jewish race, to make room for the “Aryan” race. “Jews have been discriminated against, hated, and killed because prejudiced non-Jews believed they belonged to the wrong religion, lacked citizenship qualifications, practiced business improperly, behaved inappropriately, or possessed inferior racial characteristics” (Harran 41). Due to the hatred that was formed against the Jewish people, over the years of 1933 to 1945, about six million innocent people lost their lives.