Survival In Auschwitz -Primo Levi

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The act of war, too often, has been mankind first choice for conflict resolution. In the wake of any War there have been numerous casualties and victims. World War II demonstrated a total disregard for humanity and resulted in the deaths and victimization of millions of Jews. Primo Levi’s autobiography, Survival in Auschwitz, provides a personal account of the inhumanity and victimization experienced by a Jewish prisoner of a Nazi concentration camp. Primo Levi can be described as a victim and survivor of World War II. He is the author and main character of Survival in Auschwitz. Levi was born in Turin, Italy in 1919 and graduated with a chemistry degree from the University of Turin. As a young man he joined an Italian resistance group and was captured by the fascist militia. When the fascist militia discovered that he was a Jew, he was deported to Auschwitz. Levi was able to survive in Auschwitz because he was able to quickly adapt to the conditions and possessed fundamental German language skills. In addition, Levi’s chemistry degree afforded him with the opportunity to be assigned to a chemical laboratory where he was safe from the bitter cold weather and was able to steal additional amounts of food. He also formed friendships only with fellow prisoners that would abet his survival. In 1945 the Russians advanced towards the camp systems in Auschwitz causing the Germans to evacuate the concentration camps and to leave behind prisoners who were ill and incapacitated. Levi was one of the prisoners left behind due to illness. He had scarlet fever and had to survive an extra ten days at Auschwitz with others until the soviets arrived and relocated him to another camp where he then recovered. After his recovery and surviving 11 months in Auschwitz, Levi returned home in Turin. Another major character was Alberto. He can be described as a
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