Holocaust Concentration Camp

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Concentration Camps During the Holocaust, there were a total of twenty-two main concentration camps along with thousands of smaller camps. It is almost impossible to find the exact number of victims of the concentration camps. Concentration camps refer to camps in which people are detained or confined under harsh conditions and without regard to legal norms of arrest and imprisonment that are acceptable in a constitutional democracy. The first concentration camp, Dachau was set up in 1933, and continued till 1945. Concentration camps were multifaceted and complex camps that had no regard for human life and played an important role during the Holocaust. Concentration camps ignored the rights of those subject to incarceration, and often were starved, tortured, overworked and murdered. Living conditions were poor, unsanitary and harsh. People were given little to no food and were forced to work. The camps were described as “a dehumanizing existence that involved a struggle for survival against a system designed to annihilate them.” Prisoners were forced to exist in conditions described as “dehumanizing” believing that the camps took away their human rights. Living in such harsh conditions takes away the feeling of being a human. Prisoners were fighting for their own survival in these camps. They understood these camps…show more content…
The exploitation of human rights and prison labor complement the Nazi party’s image and role during World War II. The images left upon by the horrors of the concentration camps and let us imagine and think how the millions of Jews thought moments before capture until moments before execution or death. Concentration camps were truly one of the most fearful aspects of the Holocaust and World War II, and remains as one of the most unpleasant places to even dream
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