Essay On The Holocaust

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The Holocaust Amanda Marie Flores HIS 104 World Civilizations II Instructor: Jennifer Bridges November 27th 2011 Holocaust is a Greek word coming from the word “holos” meaning (whole), and “kaustos” meaning (burned). The holocaust was a state-sponsored discrimination along with murder of about six million Jews by the collaboration of the Nazi regime. The Nazis who were in power in Germany in January of 1933, believed that the Jews reckoned inferior, and the Germens were racially superior to the fact. Adolf Hitler was one of the men who helped form the Holocaust, among being the main ruler during this time. Hitler like many others of this time blamed the Jews for the country’s defeat back in 1918. The authorities of German targeted…show more content…
In the years before the “outbreak” of the war, the SS, and police officials incarcerated the Jews, Roma, and the other victims of ethnic and racial hatred in the camps. To monitor the Jewish population along with facilitate later deport the Jews. The Germans and their collaborators created “ghettos, and transit camps”, they also forced-labor camps for Jews during the year of the war. These camps were in the so-called Grester German Reich and in German-occupied territory. The camps were for non-Jews whose labor Germans sought to…show more content…
It was just about impossible for the survivors of the concentration camps to return to their homes after it ended, the majority of them have lost their families and homes along with being denounced by their non-Jewish neighbors. The following decades the ordinary Germans struggled with the bitter legacy of the Holocaust. The victims and families of the Holocaust sought restitution of wealth and property that was confiscated during the years of the Nazi’s. The beginning of 1953, as for the crimes committed in the Jewish people, and their people the German government was making payments to them as a way of acknowledging the German people's responsibility for the crimes committed in their
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