Hitler's Response To The Holocaust

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Over the period of years that would be known as the Holocaust in which the Nazis persecuted and killed the Jews trying to annihilate them from the face of the earth, the Jews took to fleeing the country and hiding whenever possible. While most of the Jews stayed in German occupied territory for reasons such as they just couldn’t get out of the country, to them thinking it wasn’t as brutal as it actually was or that it wouldn’t last as long as it did, the Jews that stayed had to hide whenever possible to avoid being executed and/or placed in ghettos and concentration camps. The Jews have a lot of non-Jews to thank by means of their being able to hide out; fore it was illegal for any non-Jew to harbor a Jew. They took to hiding in attics and…show more content…
Up until the mid 1942’s most Jews were unaware that the Final Solution was being implemented throughout German occupied territory. Before their realization of this, they were stripped weapons and faced starvation. These two things coupled with what the thought that they were being deported to ghettos with food and housing helped them to believe that they didn’t need to take to arms and fight back. Also, the Nazis policy for reprisals worked against their want to fight. For every act of defiance and murder of a Nazi solider, a Jew and his family would be executed, sometimes even whole villages of Jews. The armed resistance can be divided into three separate categories; ghetto revolts, resistance within the concentration camps and partisan warfare. The vast majority of Jews that participated in any type of these resistances were caught and executed. The main four obstacles to an arm resistance for the Jews were their weapon supply being close to nothing, most Polish and other non-Jews were unwilling to provide arms to them, when arms could be obtained it was at great cost or by theft, they had no intelligence on Nazi activity and the fear of the local population aiding the Nazis in rounding up the Jews. It was always clear that no matter how hard they fought or by whatever means they resisted with arms, they did not have a real chance to stopping the
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