Audio Lingual and Communicative Approach

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The Audio-lingual method and Communicative Language Teaching What is the Audio-lingual method? The Audio-lingual method evolved in the 20’s/30’s. It is based on habits, verbal repetition and anything to create good language habits. Mistakes are frowned upon, and will be avoided and/ or corrected immediately, to avoid bad habits. If you do well, you will receive good feedback. If you do bad, you will get bad feedback. The Audio-lingual method focuses on accurate pronunciation and grammar. You have to be able to respond quickly and accurately in speech situations. Sufficient vocabulary to use with grammar patterns is also something you need knowledge of. One example of a typical Audio-lingual exercise is the following: The teacher says one sentence and the pupils repeat. Certain key words or phrases may be changed in the sentence. Key structures from the sentence surveys the basic for pattern drills of different kinds. The pupils practices substitutions in the pattern drills. The goal in the Audio-lingual method is linguistic competence. Errors must at all costs be avoided. What is Communicative Language Teaching? People know what CLT is, but there is a big discussion about how to define it. The reason for that is because of how vague the concept is. Generally, the pupils sit down and talk in a language they may not yet know that well. They are very much exposed to their learning language. Competence here is built on trial and error. The teacher gives each and every one of the pupils an every-day issue which can occur, gives them a part to play, and asks them to come up with a solution. They must improvise their language. The philosophy behind this is to understand on a deeper level. When a pupil makes himself understood with a sentence and gets a response that he too understands but has not found

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