Tda 2.3 Communication

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TDA 2.3: Communication and professional relationships with children, young people and adults. 1 Know how to interact with and respond to children and young people. 1.1 Describe how to establish respectful, professional relationships with children and young people. When working within a classroom the children they are taught to call you Miss, Mrs or Mr and your surname so they understand who is in charge and it also shows respect for authority. You need to speak to the children in a way in which they understand for the age range you are working with to explain what they need to do. If the children are being noisy or doing something you don’t agree with you need to use a firm voice to communicate your disagreement with what they are doing and then tell them what they need to be doing. You also need to come up with fun and interesting ways to encourage or make learning easier to understand. Give praise when they have completed a task, answered a question correctly or given information relevant to the lesson in hand. You need to encourage the use of good manners please, thankyou, etc and deter bad manners and behaviour by talking to the child in question and telling them how they need to behave. 1.2 Describe with examples how to behave appropriately for a child or young person’s stage of development. Year 1 children are just starting with lessons so they need to be told how to sit and listen to what they are being told so they know what they need to do to complete the task in hand. In Phonics you need to sound out the sounds and words, see how the children get on spelling the word and then help them by sounding the word out again or breaking the sounds down so they can hear the letter sounds easier. When they get it right let them know they have got it correct. If some children are still having difficulty you sound out the individual letters or write
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