Animal Farm- General Issues

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“Animal Farm”: General Issues (HW) 1. From my of view, the most important skills and qualities needed to be an effective leader are honesty, ambitious, good communicator and listener. A leader needs to be honest because lots of people are looking up to him, trusting him and needing him help, so being a leader is not just for yourself but for everyone. Moreover, there are many corruptive leaders and if he is not honest he will be another one in a million which betray his people, country, community, etc. A leader needs to be ambitious otherwise he will only procrastinate and never achieve anything. Being ambitious is “having a desire to achieve a particular goal” and never giving up, therefore a leader like this will bring a better result to the country. Lastly a leader needs to be a good communicator and listener because he needs to express his thoughts and feelings clearly. Furthermore not many people are good listener which sometime makes them ignorant and the importance of being a good listener is to listen to other people’s views, thoughts and problems. To be a good communicator you need to be a good listener because that brings patience and time to reflect what is the correct decision to take and to tell people. 2. In my opinion an effective leader is Alexander the Great because he had supreme courage and excellent leadership skills, which contributed to his greatness as a conqueror. He was also very ambitious because he had a desire for glory and power that drove him forwards on his campaign. I admire his leadership skills because he was a “man who was able to encourage tens of thousands of men to willingly join him and then march, on foot, for over 20,000 miles as they made their way eastward.” In addition he never lost a battle he fought and he never gave up. Alexander was the perfect role model of his time. 3. From my point of view, I do not think
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