Significant Events In General Douglas Macarthur's History

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General Douglas MacArthur was one of America’s most accomplished and popular generals. He was a very important, powerful person that is still today one of America’s greatest leaders in history. MacArthur came from a wealthy background, born into a military family that was very high up and was very well connected which meant there were high expectations of him from an early age. There were many significant factors in MacArthur’s life that helped him become such a successful general. His involvement at West Point, the Korean War and his service during WW2 were major events that made MacArthur so popular and powerful. He also had many influences throughout his life that helped him become the exceptional General he was. MacArthur’s impressive…show more content…
His family was the most significant one. He came from a family of military leaders that influenced him to get the most out of what he could and seek a career in the military. His mother was a big influence in his life. She always kept a close eye on him in the earlier stages of his life. She cared about him and believed of what he was capable to do in his life so much that even followed him to West Point when he was a cadet, and lived there so she could be close to him. The main influence in MacArthur’s life was the military academy West Point. He lived his life by the West Point values of duty and honor, which shaped his personality and who he became. General Douglas MacArthur was one of America’s most powerful leaders in history. His fantastic strategies combined with his skills of being a great general helped many of the outcomes of the American conflicts in his time and many of the victories may not have been received if it was for MacArthur. His involvement at West Point, the Korean War and his service during WW2 were just some major events that made MacArthur so popular and powerful. His influences throughout his life also helped him become the great General he

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