Ancient Greek Impact on Society

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Greek culture, specifically during the era of Classical Antiquity, is renowned for advancements in numerous disciplines that would reach through centuries and continue to shape and influence society more than any other civilization throughout history. Ideally located, Greece is surrounded by three seas, which aided them in both conquest and trade throughout the known world. They were able to flourish throughout the Mediterranean area into modern day Italy, France, Spain, Africa, and the near East, spreading their language and their customs into these areas. Although these areas became colonized by Greeks they were never truly united, however they did identify with one another culturally. Aside from the vast trade economy they established, Greeks also had an intricate system of polytheistic belief. The Greeks used this religious system to rationalize the things that they couldn’t understand or explain, such as the rising and setting of the sun, or the unpredictability or the sea. The gods often required sacrifice during feast times, so in order to keep their deities appeased Greeks would sacrifice animals. Due partially to the disjointed nature of Greece, the art of philosophy became popular amongst common people within Greece. Men were able to question the role of these all powerful deities and view the world more naturally without the overbearing presence of civil or religious ruler. Philosophy challenged accepted belief, and became the predecessor to modern day scientific process. Along with this line of questioning the norm, the Greeks stumbled upon a new form of politics, known as democracy. Cleisthenes brought about the first democracy in Athens, where all citizens, or free men over twenty, would play an active role in government. Although the free Greek states fell to Rome, Greek culture still thrived on and continued to influence society. The
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