Working Together for the Benefit of Children and Young People

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Working together for the benefit of children and young people (Linked to unit CU1535 - Promote children’s welfare and well being in the early years) Using the chart provided list agencies you may work with, describe their function and give an example, include how and why referral would be made and how working in partnership delivers better outcomes for children and young people Document attached at the end of this 1.4 Explain common barriers to integrated working and multi-agency working and how these can be overcome Although a person is trained for a particular role, it may be challenging for them to be managed by someone who docent possess the same skills as them. they may have a different area of expertise and could not be used to sharing the information that they have with other people. Each profession will have its own ‘specific’ language and whilst this will not pose a problem when they are communicating with someone from the same profession, but may well confuse someone from a different sector. To enable professionals to work together successfully then they need to discuss matters before the partnership fully takes effect. Guidelines should be drawn up to outline what is expected of each department, how reports should be written and discuss the best way to work as part of a multi agency team. 1.6 Explain the assessment frameworks that are used in own UK Home Nation The assessment framework used in the UK is the Common Assessment Framework (CAF). The CAF is designed to be a working framework between all professionals who work with children in the Early Years. The aim of the CAF is to make sure that any needs that have been identified for a child, are addressed and dealt with using the correct professional. It is set out to achieve a goal that all agencies work together, with the same common denominator. The CAF, in general
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