Who Is the Best Leader in Lord of the Flies

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Ralph: A Qualified Leader What qualities make someone a good leader? In Lord of the Flies, who demonstrates the role of a leader and how is it being displayed? A leader is someone that can guide, manage and provide assistance to a group in a specific situation. In William Golding’s novel, Lord of the Flies, the character of Ralph is the most qualified leader on the island. Ralph processes the ability to show initiative, responsibility, and courage and determination, which transforms him into the remarkable leader he is. Amongst everyone in the group, Ralph as the leader shows much initiative. He takes a great deal of control and is usually the first to step up in a situation to benefit the safety of everyone in the group. Ralph attempts to maintain order and civilized behaviour when he states, ‘’’You hunters!’ ‘You can laugh!’ ‘But I tell you smoke is more important than the pig, however often you kill one. Do all of you see?’ He spreads his arms wide and turned to the whole triangle, ‘We’ve got to make smoke up there-or die’’’ (Golding86-87). By being the first to tell the boys what to do and by setting goals for the boys to follow, he makes practical plans that will ensure their rescue. Ralph also shows a great amount of initiative when most of the boys try to avoid work and all they want to do is play. Although not much help is being provided, Ralph decides to build huts as a method of survival. Ralph’s idea of building huts expresses how he sticks with plans for the safety of the entire group. Ralph is always looking for new opportunities to increase the chances of finally being rescued. When Ralph and Piggy see a ship in the distance, Ralph took the initiative to run all the way to the top of the mountain, just to try and light the fire. Since it was Jack’s responsibility to keep the fire going, it was not much of a surprise when ‘’’Ralph brought his arm
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