What Made Me Quit My Job

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Introduction Employee retention or employee turnover depends majorly on employee’s job satisfaction. In my observation people rarely leave job because they are satisfied and happy with it. There are some or other reasons which stimulate this action however can be viewed into either systematic or random situations leading to job change. Some systematic issues are poor growth avenues, uncaring or incompetent supervisor, subpar salary, poor benefits, company’s long term future/stability, workload distribution and poor company management. These issues are typically pre-existing which come to employees attention as he/she spends more time with the company. Random situations such as employee’s career focus, family situation, unable to commit to long hours and change in spouse’s work conditions would suddenly appear prompting employee to change job. Why I quit my job? I have performed two jobs in this course of my life and I was happy in both of my jobs because I loved the job I was doing. But what led my decision to quit was my supervisor. Job satisfaction really depends upon the people you will interface in your work environment. Both jobs presented challenging work schedule with long hours however I still loved doing them because I was growing and satisfied with the work itself. However, I worked for a very insecure and uncaring supervisor that eventually led me to leave the job. Most of the time she had unstructured way of performing the work, never planned for meeting, never gave clear picture what is expected from the job and most important she never provided feedback. There was huge communication gap between my supervisor and employees including me.This come in the way of employee growth because interaction is essential to learn and apply in company environment. No feedback always created uncertainty in my job which was very stressful and nerve-racking.
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