What Is Quality Education?

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Each child has a right to get quality education. It should be the country’s major goal to invest in providing its youth with a good quality education because the future of our country depends on it. We could have a foresight what future entails us just by looking to the present condition of our education today. But how can we tell that education is indeed of quality? There are different criteria that need to be met so we can say that we have attained quality education. Quality education should have: Quality Learners Every child has the right to education but in order for them to attain maximum capability of learning their needs should be met. Before a child enters to school, his family should help him to prepare himself to learn. They must have a caring environment at home to start with who provide their needs not only for physiological needs but also their psychological needs too. Consequently it will follow that the child would be receptive to new learning and can adapt to different task given to him as he goes up to the educational ladder. Quality education produces quality learners. Excellent Learning Environment A child could learn more on an environment conducive to learning. Formal learning happens at schools therefore if the physical environment is decent and safe students will have a good chance of learning the tasks taught. Sufficient school facilities like classrooms, school buildings, libraries, canteen, and clinic just to name a few should be well kept at all times. Also instructional materials like books should be sufficient. One other thing that an excellent learning environment is a pre-determined class size a teacher could handle. The ideal ratio of teacher to student is 1:25. The less number of children handled by one mentor, the more attention can be given to each individual, especially if their learning competencies are not
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