Education and Training Award Unit 2

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UNIT 2 task 12 Task 12 Very good answer quoting Maslow Saira. However, please be careful with spellings and grammar. Task 13 Very good explanation of pros and cons and again well referenced work. Task 12 Very good answer quoting Maslow Saira. However, please be careful with spellings and grammar. Task 13 Very good explanation of pros and cons and again well referenced work. Inclusive learning is when all learners are catered for as individuals and are given the opportunity to be part of their own learning. Teaching practice at all times should promote equal opportunities, not discriminate and should incorporate supporting individual learning styles and needs. Inclusive learning should promote positive behaviour and conduct. A teacher needs to recognise that learner comes with different learning styles and needs. Maslow stated unless certain need are met the learner cannot progress. Malsow ‘s hierarchy of needs theory is: Learners needs have to to be met in order for leaners to be involved and focused on their learning. For individual learning styles to be met, within a good learning sessions a teacher will ensure he/she takes a multi-sensory approach to teaching, this way each learner can work to the best of their ability. Initial assessment and contracting before any learning takes place will ensue that learner needs are highlighted, therefore suitable support and lesson planning can take place. Inclusive learning is also about promoting a supportive and motivating learning environment that addresses the needs and barriers of all learners. For example, learners with wheelchairs need have appropriate access to the classroom and other facilities. Task 13 Strength and limitation of teaching and learning approaches Strengths and limitation of teaching and learning approaches are when a teacher implements all inclusive teaching
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