Stls Level 3, Unit 303

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Unit 303 Title - Supporting Learning Activities Deadline – Please complete all parts of this assignment. It provides all the evidence of knowledge and understanding for this unit. Please read the questions carefully, especially any points highlighted in bold. Your tutor will give you feedback on your spellings and grammar to help you improve your literacy skills. This does not affect the marking of your assignment Please be aware that plagiarism will not be tolerated. Name of candidate – Claire Sweeting Date of submission – 06/03/2013 There are 7 questions to this assignment. Please make sure you have completed them all fully before you upload your work for assessment. The assessment criteria to which each question relates are given clearly against each question. You should use these to cross-reference your work. Q1.Explain how a learning support practitioner may contribute to the: a) planning, b) delivery, and c) review, of learning activities. Answer a) Planning: A learning support practitioner contributes to planning of the short term plans these are for the week or day and will incorporate learning objectives and state how the class or group will be organised. Contributing in your own way by putting forward suggestions of your own, particularly if you support an individual pupil. The teacher assistant and teacher should plan together so that you are clear from the outset what you will be doing and are given the opportunity to put forward your own ideas. In the case of teaching assistants who support individual pupils, this can be particularly beneficial since they will be able to identify any difficulties with planned activities at the earliest stages and will also know in advance if they will need to find particular resources b) Delivery: How a learning support practitioner would contribute on the delivery of a learning objective,
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