Unmotivated Employees Essay

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Unmotivated employees John Goode October 14, 2011 N/A Unmotivated employees Over the years large businesses and corporations have had to deal with the increase of unmotivated employees versus motivated employees. Can all the blame be placed on employees alone, or is it the management as well? Throughout this essay there will be three factors discussed on why unmotivated employees become unmotivated to do their jobs. Employees would say, that one of the most common issues that cause them to have a lack of motivation for the job is the aspect of feedback or the lack of positive feedback. In every line of work employees want to know how they are performing their job well or not. Positive feedback tends to keep the employees happy and motivated it lets them know that someone is watching and wants them to succeed. On the other hand if the only feedback given to employees is negative, then most of the time will result in negativity. Negative feedback will make the employee feel like they can do nothing right. In turn this would result in a lack of motivation and care for the work they put forth. Secondly would be the factor of more work put on employees for less pay. More so in today’s economy, large companies are cutting cost by laying people off. This in turn puts a heavier work load on the remaining employees that still work for the same pay. Resulting in negativity toward the management, a poorer quality of work put out and, definitely less motivation for the job. Employees should be given incentives for having to take on a heavier workload, such as a small raise or promotion of some sort. Lastly would be the personal life of employees. As a rule of thumb employees should not let their personal life interfere with work. Many different things can be happening at home and sometimes they carry over to the job. Employees could be dealing with

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