Qnt 351 Data Analysis

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Data Collection QNT/351 July 8, 2013 William Buck Data Collection BIMS has undertaken an integrative study to gain a better understanding of the root cause of the employee turnover problem at the company. In the first study the process was plagued by data coding, entry problems, and problems with the construction of the questionnaire. This compromised the data integrity and yielded disappointing results. However, the quantitative analysis of the data from the first study also provided some useful lessons, which prepared the organization to undertake a more concrete quantitative analysis in a subsequent study. Debbie Horner, the HR manager of BIMS conducted an employee survey as an instrument of…show more content…
This is a potential reason for the high turnover rate, as low-level employees are more likely to be transient. The results also showed that the majority of the sample was more dissatisfied, than satisfied with company operations. The qualitative data showed more negative responses (1 and 2) versus positive or middle ground responses. Employees feared losing their job and felt they were not being compensated fairly. Also, the majority of the employees surveyed did not enjoy their assigned shift nor did they feel they were given the proper tools to perform their jobs effectively. Finally, the majority of the sample felt the company was not good at communicating effectively. All these would indicate reasons why the company would have such a high employee turnover rate. The survey was effective in determining why employees were leaving so frequently, enabling the company to develop new policies and procedures that will help increase employee morale and happiness which could lead to a reduced turnover

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