Unit Ct230.1 Essay

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Unit CT230.1 Questions 1) explain the sequence and rate of each aspect of development from birth to 19 years? All children development is and can be measured in many different ways, although that children develop at different rates and in different ways, but the sequence in which they develop will be roughly the same for example, they will need to develop another such as walking then they will develop into running, skipping and jumping. Development referred it to being on a timeline and is broken into different age categories, as they develop mostly in their early years the milestones are closer together. The development is broken down to different aspects such as language, physical, social and emotional, and intellect developments. These are the stages of development that has been broken down in age categories and aspect that was mentioned in the previous sentence. Language development Language development usually begins as they turn 3 months old as they learn to use their voice and vocal play, they will also watch mouths and faces and try to copy the sound and movements. Birth-6 months * Babies begin to cry when hungry, tied or distressed * Babies coo when content * Babies smile back when they see a smiling face 6-12 months * Start to enjoy making new and different sounds and will be able to display their feelings in laughing/crying/squealing * Body language develops such as arms up to be lifted 12-24 months * Speech begins to develop and start to respond and understand more words when listening * Starts to copy sound such as simple names * Simple commands are understood even though their understanding their vocabulary can consist up to 150 words and can start to use single words such as ‘mum, dad, more, ta’ and then move in to two worded sentences such ‘more food’ * And they develop to being 18-24
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