Unit 23 Work with Babies and Young Children to Promote Their Development and Learning's

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1.1 Explain the pattern of development in the first three years of life and the skills typically acquired at each stage When working with babies and toddlers it has been stated to have a clear understanding of the developmental stages for the first three years of their lives, this is important because of how it will impact their development for the years to come after The first year, babies focus on exploring and learn about the things around them, at this stage learning language is about making sounds rather than words. Gradually they start listening, understanding and learning names of people and things that are in connection to their language development. Also during this stage babies begin developing bonds and trusts with parents/careers and others as part of social and emotional development. In their second year, toddlers begin using movement more, and are also beginning to be aware of themselves and the things around them. In this stage toddlers will start showing more independence. Toddlers will also be able to remember and recognise the names of familiar people and objects, as well as forming simple phrases, sentences and follow simple instructions. Lastly in their third year of life skills such as taking turns, playing pretend, and kicking a ball. Toddlers will experience a different method of thinking, learning, social, and emotional changes will help them explore their new world and make sense of it. Also in this stage the children will begin to follow more complex directions, sorting objects by shape and color, imitate actions of adults and playmates, and express a variety of emotions. 1.2 Explain: how development and learning are interconnected how and why variations occur in rate and sequence of development and learning that learning may take place in different ways the importance of play Development and learning are

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