These goals are important as they form the building blocks for children’s later education and they make available the basis for planning and learning throughout the EYFS. The aim is that each child can meet the goals by the end of their reception year. However, some children would have exceeded the goals whilst others may still be working towards the goals by the end of the EYFS. The seven arears of learning and development mentioned above are: Communication and language- This is about the child listening and attention, understanding, and speaking. Physical development- How children gain control of their bodies, use equipment’s successfully and how they learn to use equipment.
The Framework demonstrates how important is communication and language, and also emotional and social development. Important is to keep children safe and healthy. Following the EYFS standard will help to prepare children for future life. The Curriculum is built around for principles: -UNIQUE CHILDREN- every child is unique with their own characteristic. Every area of development: physical, social, emotional, spiritual is important and individual.
It enables children to interact and participate in a variety of projects to encourage creativity and independence. This is a good strategy as it encourages children to construct their knowledge through the relationships they build with others and the surrounding environment. ‘’It is an approach where the expressive arts play a central role in learning and where a unique reciprocal learning relationship exists between practitioner and child’’. (21/11/13). It is an important aspect to carry out when allowing children to play, as it encourages children to be independent learners, and allows them to understand and learn about life and the world.
Unit 51: Support the Creativity of Children and Young People 1.1 Benefits of creativity for the wellbeing of children and young people. In the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) booklet, shows children and young people workers on how to improve the quality of care and education for children from birth to the end of their first year in school. In one part of the book it covers the areas of learning and one of the main ones out of five others is called Creative Development. In the EYFS booklet it says “Children’s creativity must be extended by the provision of support for their curiosity, exploration and play. They must be provided with opportunities to explore and share their thoughts, ideas and feelings, for example, through a variety of art, music, movement, dance, imaginative and role-okay activities, mathematics, and design and technology’ Statutory Framework 2.17.
The EYFS has three main sections * The learning and development requirements * Assessment * The safeguarding and Welfare requirements The learning and development requirements There are seven areas of learning and development that must shape educational programmes in early years settings. All areas of learning and development are important and inter-connected. Three areas are particularly crucial for igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning, and for building their capacity to learn, form relationships and thrive. These three
1.2. Explain the principles of relationship building with children, young people and adults. Children and young people need to feel safe and valued in an educational environment. The government document Every Child Matters: Change for children 2004 is an important document to read which would benefit anyone working with children. To work and build on positive relationships with children there has to be a good understanding of putting the pupils needs first.
Positive messages about their families, background, cultures and languages help children to develop pride in who they are. These messages also give them confidence to voice their views and opinions, to make choices, and to help shape their learning. The book ‘Possum Magic’ would be appropriate for Stage 1 (Year 1) students. I feel for the desired outcome this is a great age for building confident exercises and to help develop the child’s identity and to introduce an open mind thinking. 2.
Children will lear and develop when ether is a friendly environment with people they trust. As a role model gain trust its important ,so children and young people can be confident to talk to you,be confident and focus and develop the selfs. Every child is different so we should adapt the way we communicate to fulfil the individual needs. Always communicate in a appropriate way to match the stage of development,personal circumstance and need of that person you are talking to. 1.2 Explain the principals of relationship building with children,young people and adults .
The Creative Curriculum enhances social/emotional, physical, cognitive, and language development. Goals and objectives for each of these developmental areas are organized into The Creative Curriculum Developmental Continuum for ages 3-5 (Smarty Pants MD, 2011). Children learn and master learning on different levels at different times, the curriculum objectives consist of three steps that shows the order of development; it also shows categories that gives in depth information of objectives called forerunners. The advantages of looking at goals and
CCLD MU 5.3; Lead Practice that Support Positive Outcomes for Child and Young Person Development 1.1Explain different theories and frameworks of child and young person development Piaget Piaget’s theories allow us to take the idea of ‘schema’ into practice and use it to effectively plan for the development of a child. Using these ‘schema’ and Piaget’s stages (sensorimeter, preoperational, concrete operational, formal operational) we can assess where and how a child is currently learning, and plan activities and observations to help them develop into the next stages. High Scope The High Scope theory approach supports children’s learning through play. It helps children to develop their self-esteem, confidence and language. It encourages children to learn at their own level that they feel comfortable and confident with, therefore enhancing the opportunity for developing many social and intellectual skills.