The observer will either mimic or avoid the actions based on the consequences that the person who initially performed the action received. This can be a very useful tool in the development of child rearing. Through observational learning, children learn valuable life-skills at a very young age. Child rearing, otherwise known as parenting, is teaching and nurturing of a child from birth until adulthood. Children learn a lot during this time from watching others, especially their parents.
Although all children will develop at different rates and in different ways, the sequence in which they develop will be roughly the same as they need to have developed one skill, for example walking, before they move on to develop another such as running and jumping. Development is often referred to on a timeline and is broken down in ages. As development is more rapid in early years the milestones start by being quite close together before becoming further apart as baby becomes a child and then a young adult. The aspects of development that children are measured on are physical, language, social and emotional, and intellect. From birth through to adulthood children continually grow, develop, and learn.
This paper will discuss the important stages in the development as to how the child changes from physical, emotional, social, and cognitive perspective throughout this time period. Physical Change Physical changes in early childhood are accompanied by rapid changes in the child’s cognitive and language development. From the beginning of birth they use all their senses to attend to their environment. They begin to develop a sense of cause and effect from their actions and the responses of caregivers. As the new born grows into a young person he can take care of his or her own body and interact effectively with others.
Factors affecting development There are a range of factors which can affect a child’s development which begins from the moment of conception, and which will influence how the child develops and at what rate. Development is measured by parameters which have been carefully researched and measured and to which many professionals such as doctors, teachers, social workers and so on are able to refer to when assessing a child’s development. These milestones in development enable professionals but also parents to see where a child is in their rate of development and if they are following the sequence of development that is expected of them by a certain age. An example would be that most children will start to walk between 10 to 17 months, if after this time a baby is still not walking then there may be professional intervention that can resolve the problem which is important to solve at a younger age in order to prevent any problems later on in life. There are many things that can influence a child’s development which can be divided into personal and external factors.
The Role Head Start plays in the life of the community, families, and children education. The Role Head Start plays in the life of the community, families, and children education. I have been teaching preschool – age children for over nine years and throughout my years of educating young children I would say that my goals and expectations can be my philosophy. My goals for my children are to develop socially, emotionally, physically and cognitively, develop language skills, develop problem solving skills and develop conflict resolution skills. I believe that each child is a unique individual and that all children can learn.
For this assignment I chose to observe a eight month old baby boy for one hour. The baby is crawling without his belly touching the floor, babbling a lot and trying to communicate back to mom, he is also puling himself up to a standing position while holding onto something. The baby eats baby food but is also staring to eat more solid food that he has to chew, such as teething biscuits. The baby is fairly social with people but is beginning to be afraid of strangers. He liked to explore all the places he should stay out of and get things that he was not supposed to have.
(Katz & Chard, 2000, p. 2)” The two essential elements of the project approach are “child-centered activities” and “social reconstruction”. Child-centered is means that enables children to follow their interests and fascinations. That is spontaneous learning method that they can learn about practical information and a theoretical framework through the process of developing a project in group. This learning-method leading developmental objectives: physical, cognitive and language, affective and social and aesthetic development (Guide to the Pre-primary Curriculum,2006, p.17). Phases 1: Beginning a project Children are leading learners but no only received information.
Unit 1 Child and young person development Introduction 1. Know the main stages of child and young person development. 1.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years, to include: a) physical development b) communication and intellectual development c) social, emotional and behavioural development. In order to understand and support a child and young persons development, we have to look at the “whole” child.This means looking at all the areas of their development in relation to the particular aspect of development that is being focused on.It is important to remember that development is a holistic process, and that each child is unique and will develop in their own way, and at different rates. With this in mind we can look at a child and young persons development in more of a sequence across ages, rather than different stages at fixed ages.
My dog has many things who makes him who he is today for example, one of his ears was cut shorter than the other because they said he was so hyper it was hard to keep him still. This was when he was just a couple of months old and you would think that oh he’s just a puppy that won’t happen again. False, he was the same every time he went to the groomers and he has a sliced tongue just to prove it. Yes at the time I was upset that my dog was hurt but in the end, it’s like I wouldn’t have expected anything less from my little guy. If Lukas was any person in the world it would be joey from Friends.
How Young Learners Learn Introduction This assignment aims to examine how young learners develop and learn. The main section of this assignment will present an overview of several theories of child development and learning that appear to have had a profound impact on educational perspectives in the last two centuries. Brewster, Ellis and Girard (2002) stress that every young learner is a unique individual with different learning needs. The ideal learning environment, it seems, would be one which presents the young learner with the opportunity to discover their own learning style, interests and preferences which would lead to independence and success. The overall aim of the assignment is to highlight various theoretical standpoints on learning and first and second language acquisition and the highlight the links between them.