Child and Young Person Development

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Unit 1 Child and young person development Introduction 1. Know the main stages of child and young person development. 1.1 Describe the expected pattern of children and young people’s development from birth to 19 years, to include: a) physical development b) communication and intellectual development c) social, emotional and behavioural development. In order to understand and support a child and young persons development, we have to look at the “whole” child.This means looking at all the areas of their development in relation to the particular aspect of development that is being focused on.It is important to remember that development is a holistic process, and that each child is unique and will develop in their own way, and at different rates. With this in mind we can look at a child and young persons development in more of a sequence across ages, rather than different stages at fixed ages. We can use milestones of expected development for when children may be expected to reach a particular stage. We can identify these sequences of development in children and young persons from birth - nineteen by using five different aspects know as SPICE. SOCIAL Development This area of development is where children and young persons learn acceptable norms for behaviour. They learn right from wrong and build relationships with other people. This area is where they can develop confidence and independence. Children need to learn how to deal appropriately with a range of people, situations and emotions, as a teaching assistant we can support the teacher by encouraging children to behave in socially acceptable ways. We can help by promoting their social development in many ways, for example, by setting goals and boundaries to promote acceptable behaviour and use praise and rewards for good behaviour. We can encourage self help skills, to enable the child to
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