Infant Development Observation

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For this assignment I chose to observe a eight month old baby boy for one hour. The baby is crawling without his belly touching the floor, babbling a lot and trying to communicate back to mom, he is also puling himself up to a standing position while holding onto something. The baby eats baby food but is also staring to eat more solid food that he has to chew, such as teething biscuits. The baby is fairly social with people but is beginning to be afraid of strangers. He liked to explore all the places he should stay out of and get things that he was not supposed to have. He loves their cat and laughs when the cat comes and rubs against him. The family structure is made of a mother, father and 10 year old brother. The parents started trying for another baby when their oldest was about 5. After a couple of miscarriages they stopped trying and she became pregnant. The father works as a psychologist at a prison and the mother stays home with the kids. They are an upper middle class white family. They live in a nice house in a nice neighborhood. From what I can tell most of their friends are white well to do people as well. The baby is developing right on track according to Piaget's cognitive stages. Jean Piaget came up with his four stages of cognitive development for birth through adulthood. He knew that some people can go through the stages faster or slower but for the most part the stages are divided accurately by age. The baby is in the first stage, sensorimoter, This first stage is from birth to two years old. In this stage the child learns through the movement they make and what they feel, such as learning that an action causes an effect. This was shown to me when the baby realized that by pushing down on one of his toys something popped up. They also learn at this age by experimenting with everything to see what will happen. They are basically
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