Unit 7 Assignment 2

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CO2520/ Professional Communications Unit 7/ Assignment 2 Campus Issue Problem Solving As a non-smoking student on campus, a problem that I identify with, is the issue of the smokers and the continued tobacco usage on a designated, non-smoking campus. The most specific point of issue would be with the tobacco usage directly outside of the rear entrance. It is easy to identify with why this area is under continued usage – shaded area in the heat of summer, as well as dry protection during wet or inclement weather. Observation has shown that the primary method of discouraging area usage is through verbal reminders from the campus Dean or other figure of campus authority. Since it is not very likely that all tobacco users on campus are going to quit, looking into alternative locations would be a viable option. When students are advised to move away from the entrance location, it has been observed that they do not move off campus. They tend to move to areas away from the entrances, often located under trees. One option could be to have a gazebo, or covered patio area installed on the side of the building. This would provide tobacco using students with a location that meets their desires of shade and weather protection, while allowing the non-tobacco users access to entrances without encountering the unpleasant results of tobacco usage. Another option, could be to place covered bench zones, similar to bus stop areas, at perimeter locations around the parking lot. Both options would provide the needs sought by the tobacco users. While it is likely that the bench zones would be the more cost effective up front of the two solutions, the gazebo/patio solution would probably yield higher usage in the long run. With an area that would be used more, the ultimate cost effectiveness would probably be better for all students

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