Unit 305 Understanding Assessment

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Understanding assessment in education and training ASSESSMENT TASK 2 |Name: Mioara Florea |Level :3 |Week No: | This form should be used to record your reflections as you progress through each unit. You should reflect as indicated in the assignment task, linking your reflections to additional reading, principles, theories, professional values and the learning outcomes for each session. |Unit :305 | |Outcome(s):2.1explain why is important to involve learners and others in the assessment process…show more content…
|Assurance that they will learn what they need/transparent details | | | | | |Tutorials | |-they need to know the arrangements | |-information from the tutorial has to be about progress | |Discuss reasonable adjustment | |Review the progress giving the opportunity to discuss any issues | |Constructive feedback…show more content…
| | |Details of resources | |-how they can access information | |-IT support if needed | |Creates supportive environment | |Helps to meet assessment critera | | | | | |
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