Pttls Understanding Role, Responsibilities

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1.1 Teaching Role and responsibilities in education and Training The teacher should be qualified to teach the learners, and be able to identify key aspects of related current legislation and know how to challenge discriminatory behaviour and attitudes. They should be well prepared for their lesson, be able to provide the correct resources and information relevant to the course and be knowledgeable about the subject or in the case of covering for another teacher, know where to find information in order to answer questions from learners. Teachers should make an initial assessment the needs of learners prior to starting the course in order to assess their suitability to the course there are delivering. Lessons should be prepared and sessions well planned. Establishing good ground rules at the start of the lessons are an important part of the teacher’s role to ensure everyone has clear expectations within the classroom environment, this helps to ensure appropriate behaviour and respect for others within the class. The teacher should be ready to teach, be on time and available to greet learners on arrival to their lesson. Recording attendance at all teaching sessions is the responsibility of the teacher. It is important to be approachable with an open, friendly attitude whilst always working within professional boundaries and always respecting confidentiality. The teacher should have the ability to check learners understanding during lessons. It is important that the teacher recognises learners may respond in different ways to feedback and should adapt techniques accordingly. Evaluation of the course is essential to ensure it is up to date and still relevant, that it meets the needs of the learners, and that objectives and learning outcomes are being achieved. Self-evaluation is also important to ensure teaching techniques are appropriate and that the
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