Unit 319 Essay

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Unit 4222-319 Facilitate person centred assessment, planning, implementation and review Outcome 1 Understand the principles of person centred assessment and care planning 1.Explain the importance of a holistic approach to assessment and planning of care or support The holistic approach focuses on the whole person and helps us with the way service users are assessed. Social, environment, physical are just some of the areas focused on. Looking at these helps in asserting the needs of the individual and also highlights any additional areas that need to be focused on. 2. Describe ways of supporting the individual to lead the assessment and planning process The purpose of person centred planning is to enable people to live the lives they want in their communities. It helps people work out what they want in their lives and make them feel stronger and more confident. Listening to the service user’s needs and requirements will help with the planning process. Consulting a person-centred planning facilitator can also help to support the process. 3. Describe ways the assessment and planning process or documentation can be adapted to maximise an individual’s ownership and control of it. Outcome 3 Be able to contribute to the planning of care or support Take account of factors that may influence the type and level of care or support to be provided Learning disabilities and Physical disabilities are just a few factors that may influence the level of care provided. Outcome 6 Be able to facilitate a review of care plans and their implementation 3. Use feedback and monitoring/other information to evaluate whether the plan has achieved its objectives It is important to monitor and use feedback to establish whether the person centred planning is being done well and having a positive impact on the persons life. Constant monitoring is in order

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