Unit 305 Describe Person Centred Approaches

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Unit 305 Understand person centred approaches in adult social care setting 1.1) Describe person centred approaches. Person-centred approaches are a core element of all good practice Work with the person and those important to them to create their own person centred plan. This tells us how they want to be supported, what the person wants to do and what they want to achieve, to enable the person to live the life that you want. Provide support in the way that the person wants and values, when they want it. 1.2) Explain why person centred values must influence all aspects of social care work. The 'why' is because it is embedded in social policy and legislation eg Putting People First, Valuing People Now and the Essential…show more content…
Your identity is what you think about yourself. Are you independent, confident, able, attractive. If so you will feel good, health, happy and your well-being (your life and existence) will be positive. What if you aren't independent, confident, able and attractive then you will feel low about your identity. Self-esteem comes from a positive identity. If you are dependent on others, feel useless, don't have anyone who cares about you. Your self-esteem will be low. What if you are independent, able and have good friends and family then you will have high self-esteem. 6.2) explain factors that contribute to the well-being of an individual. Listen to individuals, provide information and keep them safe 6.3) explain the importance of supporting an individual in a way that promotes their sense of identity, self-image and self-esteem all aspects of living in a residential facility, from personal care to communication, from breakfast to bedtime, from the garden to the dining room, can support a person’s sense of self-esteem . Little things can make the biggest difference. Well-designed physical and social environments focusing on the quality of everyday life can help people continue in relationships that uphold a sense of identity and promote…show more content…
Risks in the environment such as fire in the building, slips and trips in particular areas etc. Risks to individuals such as getting in and out of a bath etc. Risks to staff eg using equipment, unpredictable behaviour from individuals etc. Risks in planned activities eg outings, dancing 7.2) explain how risk assessments relate to rights and responsibilities. carry out a risk assessment so that the individual is provided with full information about the risk they want to take so can make an informed decision and you have carried out your duty of care to protect them to the best of your ability. The risk assessment provides a solution by identifying the safest way possible to manage the risk 7.3) explain how risk taking relates to right and responsibilities. Every individual has the rights to take risks, as long as it does not put others at risk, it’s your duties to keep them and others safe and you have rights not to be put at risk 7.4) explain why risk assessments need to be regularly revised. These need to be regularly revised because situations and circumstances can

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