Unit 7 Understand Person Centered Approaches in Adult Social Care Settings

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Unit 7 understand person centred approaches in adult social care settings 1.1 – Person centred values are the principles underlying and person centred approach to care or support is that the individual plays a central role. This means they are involved in every aspect of their care or support. The person centred approach is based on the values of: Individuality-recognising the uniqueness of the individual. Rights- ensuring individual rights are maintained. Choice – ensuring care or support is led by the individuals choices. Privacy – ensuring the individuals life is free from unwanted intrusion by others. Independence – enabling the individual to achieve maximum independence. Dignity – supporting the individual to maintain emotional control and their sense of worth in difficult and sensitive situations. Respect – recognising and valuing the individuals sense of worth and importance to others. Partnership – working with others to achieving the best outcomes possible. 1.2 – The care that is carried out on a daily basis should always be centred around the person that is being cared for. Person centred approaches are about sharing power, so the emphasis is on ‘doing things with’ the individual. This means including the individual in decision making. Person centred approaches focus on : Who the person is Who the important people are in their lives What all members of the care team – including the individual concerned – can do together to achieve a better life for that person, if the present and in the future. If people with disabilities are to be empowered and seen as

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