Nvq 2 H&Sc Unit 304 Task a

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SUPERVISION NOTES A i What is meant by the term Duty of Care Health and Social Care organisations have what is called a duty of care towards the people they look after. That means that they must do everything they can to keep the people in their care safe from harm. It is not only the care establishment that needs to prioritise the safety, welfare and interests of the people using its services, but also the Care Workers of the establishment have the same Duty of Care. The employer also has a duty of care for staff members, to ensure that working conditions are safe, and suitable to deliver the service. Duty of care is a legal obligation that is usually imposed on an individual person requiring them to adhere to a standard of reasonable care while undertaking or performing any acts of duty that could possibly harm others. Aii How does duty of Care affect the work of a Social Worker As a social care worker, you have a duty of care to the individuals you provide care for or support in your job role. This means you are expected to put the needs and interests of the individual to the centre of your thinking and practice. To also ensure decisions made do not cause any harm to the individual. Aiii As a social care organisation, you are responsible for providing care and support which is safe and promotes the health and wellbeing of the individuals. Your duty of care affects the way you; * Exercise authority * Manage risk and work in a safe way * Safeguard interests of individuals * Monitor own behaviour and conduct * Maintain confidentiality * Store personal information correctly * Report any concerns or allegations * Maintain professional boundaries * Make professional judgements * Maintain high standards of conduct outside the professional role * To uphold a service that upholds the law and underlying principles of care Aiv)
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