Shc24 Essay

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Introduction to duty of care in health, social care or children’s and young people’s settings SHC24 Understand the implications of duty of care OUTCOME 1 1. Define the term “Duty of care” Health and social care professionals have a “duty of care” to ensure the wellbeing of service users. We all have a “Duty of care” to consider the effects of our actions upon other people who may be affected. In health and social care this basic principle includes following the various rules and legal obligations that surround our work. Your workplace will have a set of policies and procedures, which you must follow. They are based on the Legislations and Acts which affect your work role. Contravention of these guidelines may constitute abuse or neglect. 2. Describe how the duty of care affects own work role I and my employers have a “Duty of Care” when delivering services to the individuals in our care. We must follow the General Social Care Council’s (GSCC) Codes of Practice, our organisational policies and procedures and also Legislations and Acts, all of which set out the standards i am to follow. The GSCC regulates and controls the training and conduct of care workers and their employers and has a code of conduct which each are expected to adhere to. The care worker should • Protect the rights and promote the interests of service users and carers • Strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service users and carers • Promote the independence of service users whilst protecting them as far as possible from danger or harm • Respect the rights of service users whilst seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people • Uphold public trust and confidence in social care services • Be accountable for the quality of their work and take responsibility for maintaining and
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