304 - Principles for Implementing Duty of Care

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Task A Supervision Notes As an experienced social care worker you have been asked to mentor a new social care worker. You plan to use a supervision session to explain about the duty of care and how this helps to protect individuals from harm and abuse. Prepare a set of notes to help you in this supervision session. In the notes, you must include an explanation of: Ai What is meant by the term “duty of care” It is a legal obligation to provide care and support to vulnerable adults. The social care worker must do everything they can to keep the service users safe from harm, injury and abuse. This can be achieved by following and adhering to the following: * Work within the definition of your job role. * Keep accurate records and documentation as necessary. * Agreed ways of working of your employer which includes: - Policies and Procedures of your organisation, which are essential pieces of information that will enable the social care worker to work professionally and safely. . - Individual care plans for each service user in your care, which includes details of a person’s health and social care needs and the support they require. - Risk assessments which are in place to determine a level of risk and the likely outcome. - Health and safety policies, to ensure a safe and healthy working environment to protect the employee, employer and service users. Aii How the duty of care affects the work of a social care worker The social care worker must: * Adhere to the set rule of standards laid out by the organisation and not work outside their capabilities as this could lead to negligence, incompetence or abuse and cause harm to the service user, colleagues or self. * Always act in the best interest of the service user and their care needs, giving choice and promoting independence whilst treating them with respect, whatever their choices and
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