Duty of Care

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Unit 4223-307 Principles for Implementing Duty of Care Outcome 1 – Understand how duty of care contributes to safe practice 1. Explain what it means to have a duty of care in own work role The term ‘Duty of Care’ is a moral and legal requirement of health and social organisations whether it is carers, health professionals, or anyone providing health care services towards the people they look after. This means that they must do their duty to keep individuals in their care free from harm, safe from harm, treat with dignity and respect, and to give those individuals choice. Duty of care can be undertaken with watchfulness, attention, caution that a reasonable person in the same circumstances they are in would do. This is underpins everything that you do in your role. If this does not happen and doesn’t meet the standards of care including the Codes of Practice, then it would be considered as negligent and could be taken to court. You also have a duty of care to the people you work with, it should make you plan your work with the best interests of the person you are working with, it’s not just physical risks but any risk when carrying out any task ensuring their well-being and safety in the workplace. Also employers can ensure they provide a good standard of duty of care by ensuring all employees are CRB checked, up to date training, following legislations from governing bodies such as CQC and making sure all employees have a good understanding of policies. 2. Explain how duty of care contributes to the safeguarding or protection of individuals Safeguarding, whether it is babies, children or vulnerable adults goes wider than just protection. Safeguarding is also about keeping those babies, children or vulnerable adults safe from any kind of harm, this could be from illness, abuse or injury. To do this it means that all agencies and

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