Introduction to Duty of Care

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In health and social care settings. Define the term duty of care. This is a legal obligation to ensure individuals health and safety, to keep an individual safe, you must report any concerns to your line manager, respect confidentiality and respect the individual’s wishes. It is your requirement to work in the best interest of the individual and within your own level of competence it is your responsibility to be aware of policies and procedures. How does duty of care affect your own role? You must be able to carry out duties that you are competent to do so. It is your duty to inform your line manager and decline the work that you have not been trained for here are two examples below You have had manual handling training to use a hoist there for you can use it safely and properly. You have not had training to use ceiling hoist, you cannot use it as if you did it would be unsafe and could cause an accident. You must be accountable for keeping records safe, reporting problems, and for your own decisions. You must also be observant and keep your training and policies up to date. You must follow standard procedures in all care work this includes use of resources and equipment. As your role as a carer you must respect the individuals wishes, maintain confidentiality and recognise signs and symptoms of abuse, we must also make sure that the individual has their right to make their own decisions and respect them, report concerns to line manager. Understand support available for addressing dilemmas that may arise about duty of care. This is the balance between health and safety. This is on the concepts of stability and mental capacity. For instance: • The individual wants to go to the bathroom by themselves but it is not safe for them to be left alone as they are not stable on their feet and are prone to falling. It is your duty of care to keep them safe from

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