Pwcs 05: Introductory Awareness of Person-Centred Support in Health, Social Care and Children’s and Young People’s Settings:

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1.1 What is meant by person-centred support: Person-centered Support is about providing enough support to enable people to participate in activities and relationships, gain more control and more independence. It is based on using ordinary every day activities to encourage choice and engagement, and to increase independence. Instead of doing things for people or to people, Person-centered Support means working with people so they can take part in all the activities of everyday life, no matter how disabled they are. 1.2: the importance of finding out an individual’s history, needs, wishes, likes and dislikes: It is very important to use personal profiles or personal history to help us to support them in a way that is suited to their needs and values. Reference to someone’s personal profile or history will: • Help to enrich the quality of support they receive. • Enable a holistic approach to their support. • Making it possible to prevent negative experiences by finding out what they dislike or are fearful of. • Help them to make personal choices. 1.3: examples of how to provide person-centred support when supporting individuals in day-to-day activities: You will need to develop a clear understanding about the individuals you are working with. This includes their needs, their culture, their means of communication, their likes and dislikes, their family and other professionals’ involvement so you can promote and provide person centred care and support. Person-centred values provide a foundation on which you can base and build your practice. You need to understand what the values are, how you can promote them and why they are important. A value is simply what is important in the life of the person you are supporting. There are eight person centred values that support person-centred care and support. These are:- Individuality: Assumptions should never be

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