Unit 19 M1

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Diet for the life stages Infants (0-3) – Infants should lots of milk which can strengthen the bone and give them energy. It can help the change in their body as well as help them with their growth. For babies, birth milk generally supplies a baby with the required amounts of nutrients, fluids and energy up to six months of age. It’s recommended that infants should exclusively be breastfed up to six months of age. Breast milk is preferred to infant formula where possible, since it contains many protective and immunological factors that can benefit the baby’s development. Doctors recommend that babies shouldn’t be drinking juice at this point. Breast milk is beneficial for babies because it is a prepared infant formula which provides enough…show more content…
They should take in enough carbohydrates for the day to preserve enough energy and strength and should eat fruits and vegetables and proteins. Later adulthood should maintain with eating all the food which includes in the food stages otherwise they will feel weak. Because strokes are more likely to take place, especially in later adulthood, they should eat more fruits and vegetables; especially take in vitamins and minerals which is water to keep up with hydration. To avoid stroke, they can do exercises to avoid strokes and keep a healthy body rather than feeling weak. Many people start to eat less when they are older. This can make it harder to make sure their diet has enough variety to include all the nutritions you need. (Case study 5) Maria Worrall is 65 years old and has had a serious weak body dude to the cause Alzheimer’s illness. Doctors recommend elderlies to be as active as possible to encourage their appetite and maintain muscle mass which will prevent from weak muscle and bone structure. Strong muscles will maintain a good structure for the bones by keeping them up. Elderlies are recommended to remain healthy with well-balanced eating and regular exercise. I would recommend that elderlies eat foods that are naturally high in fibre to encourage bowel health and that they share mealtimes with families and friends which will keep them up…show more content…
It should supply enough energy for each day activities. A balance diet consists the following food requirements: * Carbohydrates and lipids to provide energy for all the activities in the body * Protein to build new tissues for growth and repair damaged tissues * Vitamins to prevent diseases and for normal healthy development * Mineral salts which are essential for normal healthy growth and development * Fibres as roughage to stimulate peristalsis and prevent constipation * Water which is needed as medium for all chemical reactions in the cells. It helps to transport substances that are needed by the cells and remove metabolic wastes. It also helps to distribute and regulated body
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