Unit 13: Recruitment And Selection

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UNIT 13- RECRUITMENT AND SELECTION TASK 1 (P1) RECRUITMENT PLANNING McDonalds The business began in 1940, with a restau rant opened by siblings Dick and Mac McDonald in San Bernardino, California. McDonald's Corporation is the world's largest chain of fast-food restaurants, primarily selling fast food. More recently, it also offers salads with the successful expansion of McDonald's into many international markets; the company has become a symbol of globalization. In 1974, McDonalds opened its first restaurant in the Auk. Today more than 2.5 million people in this country place their trust in McDonalds everyday, trusting the company to provide them with food of a high standard, quick service and value for money. Asda Asda is a UK supermarket chain, which retails food, clothing, toys and general merchandise. It became a subsidiary of the American retail giant Wal-Mart, the world’s largest retailer in 1999 and is the second largest chain in the UK after Tesco, having overtaken Sainsbury's in 2003. Asda is Wal-Mart's largest non-U.S subsidiary, accounting for almost half of the company's international sales. P1 Identify how organisations plan recruitment using internal and external sources. McDonalds use both external and internal sources for recruitment, in the following ways: Internal sources of recruitment: This is the filling of job vacancies from within the business - where existing employees are selected rather than employing someone from outside. A business might decide that it already has the right people with the right skills to do the job, particularly if its training and development programme has been effective. Transfers The employees of McDonalds are transferred from one department to another according to their efficiency and experience. Promotions The employees of McDonalds are promoted from one

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