Unit 001 Outcome 3 Communication Barriers

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Unit 001 Outcome 001.3 There are several communication barriers such as language understanding, there are several ways to reduce this barrier such as signs for different activities e.g. mimicking washing hands the child will start to recognize this and start to follow a routine. Another way to reduce the language barrier is pictures for different tasks e.g. a picture of an apple symbolizes snack time. Sound prompts are another way of reducing the language barrier e.g. in nursery we have a tidy up song when it is tidy up time, the children know after a few weeks that as soon as the song comes on that they need to tidy up the nursery which gets them into a routine. Interruptions are a barrier to communication, a way to overcome this is if there is an interruption to get the classes attention again and recap over what was discussed before the interruption. Hearing difficulties are another barrier to communication, a way to overcome this is to use picture prompts when speaking in a big group, also you could work in smaller groups to make sure the child definitely understands what you are trying to get across. Visual difficulties are also a barrier to communication, a way to overcome this is to use sound prompts when speaking in a big group. There are several ways to make sure communication has been understood, there must be eye contact when discussing a topic to show that the other person is listening. When the conversation is finished you could refer back to something within that conversation to make sure that they understood what was said. Making notes or writing down what you want to get across is another effective way because then after you have discussed the topic you can pass on the written plan so that nothing is forgotten. The school has several services to help reduce communication barriers such as a speech and language therapist who works closely with

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