Uniforms In Public Schools

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Uniforms in Public Schools Nan Cheri Doran Comp/150 February 7, 2010 Dr. Benjamin Should your child wear school uniforms? This questions is one many parents and students are facing today. The implementation of uniforms in public schools has become a controversial issue across the nation, and opinions are very different among students, parents, teachers, and school administrators. Some believe that requiring uniforms inhibits individuality and would be more costly for individuals with limited financial means. Others believe by removing socioeconomic differences student equality would be created. By making uniforms in public schools mandatory, there would be an improvement in social equality, better grades, reduction in violence, lower cost of clothing for parents, and a stronger sense of unity among the students. By instituting uniforms, barriers of economic differences would be broken down by the removal of designer and name brand clothing. Students, unable to purchase the costly designer and name brand clothing, would no longer be ridiculed because of their clothing. All students would wear the same type of clothing, which would allow students to focus less on certain groups. Often just wearing a certain label on one’s clothing immediately places an individual in a particular group, often a group of “undesirables” or “untouchables.” Although there are those that do not approve of uniforms, “some school administrators report that uniforms not only aid in curbing violence and gang activity, but also help to level the socioeconomic playing field. The competition to sport new fashions such as expensive sneakers or team jackets is reduced. Students from poorer families no longer feel pressured to keep up in the fashion race” (Veigle, 1999, p.1). Student’s opinions vary, but surprisingly many students think uniforms are a good idea. In an interview

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