Undrestand the Inportance of Equailty and Inclusion

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1.1 Identify different reasons why people communicate. We communicate to express our fillings, emotions and socialise with other around use. It’s the way we communicate that may change depending on what we need or have to get across. Such as fear, anger, pain, joy and love. 1.2 Explain how effective communication affects all aspects of own work. Effective communication is essential for relaying information to others e.g. clients, colleagues, other professionals, doctor, family and friends of the client in you’re care. It’s the relaying of the information that changes depending on whom we are communicating with. 1.3 Explain why it is important to observe an individuals reaction when communicating with them Looking at peoples reactions is important as this can identify any concerns or anxiety they may have. Using the correct body language, facial expressions can help to put people at ease, sometimes we may need to communicate without using words. This will help the way we interact, so that problems can be identified and dealt with. 2.1 Find out an individual’s communication and language needs, wishes and preferences People have a wide range of communication needs which involves the Consideration with others. There are many different factors to consider, Such as sensory ability, cultural backgrounds, language skills, physical ability, and self confidence hearing loss, visual impairment and level of learning. The best way to do this would be to ask them, if not possible you can observe them. Asking colleagues who have worked with them before, reading care planes/notes. 2.2 Demonstrate communication methods that meet an individuals communication needs, wishes and preferences Language differences the use of Interpreters, flash cards and signals to indicate their needs. You can also use them to find out what
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