Qcf Level 3 Unit 1

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Promote Communication in Health, Social Care or Children’s and Young People’s Settings 1) Understand why effective communication is important in the work setting. 1.1) Identify the different reasons people communicate. Communication is a very important skill in everyday life, it helps us express ourselves, our feelings and needs, share ideas and information, to show concerns over a situation. Communication can help us in many care work circumstances as we can support and reassure, build and maintain a relationship, ask questions and share experiences. 1.2) Explain how communication affects relationships in the work setting. Communication affects relationships in many ways, and not just inside of a work setting. Communication is a two way process, as it is never between one person. When communicating you must be displaying a clear message to the person or group listening, and they must understand it to be able to communicate back. In the work setting, communication is one of the most important tools we use as it can help build trust with colleagues, clients and their families, helps us to understand the individual’s needs, negotiation, and to help us de-escalate a tense situation. 2) Be able to meet the communication and language needs, wishes and preferences of individuals. 2.2) Describe the factors to consider when promoting effective communication. There are many factors when communicating with an individual, and some of which can impair a form of communication, these can be an individual who is mute (cannot speak), deaf or perhaps just does not speak or understand the languages we use. Other things to consider are the scenario of communicating, whether it’s to a group of people, on a one-to-one basis, formal, professional or even the environment (Too loud to communicate effectively). Another factor to consider is the clients ability to understand as
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