Understanding Text Typesby Using Reading Comprehension Skills

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Understanding Text Type by Using Reading Comprehension Skills There are many different styles of reading for different situations. The techniques that people choose depend on the purpose of reading. For example, people might be reading for enjoyment, information or to complete a task. Therefore, they need to adjust their reading speed and technique for those purposes. Low reading achievement is a genuine and consequential problem for many middle and high school students. Unfortunately, reading comprehension is an extremely difficult skill for many students to master and many content teachers do not have the needed methods, tools, and professional development to easily embed reading comprehension strategy instruction into their teaching. Many students, including those with learning or reading disabilities, English language learners, and students, who fail to engage with reading, struggle to develop reading comprehension. Junior high school students’ grades 8 also find some difficulties to understand text types well: story or factual genres. Therefore, to make a better understanding for text types that given by teacher, based on curriculum for junior high school grade 8, such as; descriptive text, narrative text, recount, and anecdote, students can use reading comprehension skills that suit their needs. Reading comprehension skills that can be used to understand text types are; previewing, learning to look for the topic, use vocabulary strategies, and finding the pattern of organization. 1. Previewing Good readers understand what they read and remember the information for further learning. Becoming a good reader means getting the skills that effective readers have. One important skill is to read selections more than one time. Every time read a selection, try to read for a different purpose. Do not read it line by line, but look for an a overview of the topic.
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