2.2 – Describe with Examples the Importance of Recognising and Responding to Concerns About Children and Young People’s Development

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A Teaching Assistant is likely to work with pupils on a 1:1 or small group basis. A Teaching Assistant will therefore be in a good position to recognise any concerns relating to a child and young person’s development. For example, a Teaching Assistant may take children for individual reading practise. Whilst doing this, they may note that a child appears to be unable to read as many words as their peers. In this situation, it is important that the Teaching Assistant report their concerns to the classteacher. The teacher can then implement strategies or interventions to help the child improve. The teacher may already be aware that the child has difficulties and the report made by the Teaching Assistant will contribute to evidence gathered by the teacher. A concern such as difficulties with reading could have a knock-on effect on their other literacy skills such as writing. It may also highlight underlying difficulties such as dyslexia or learning difficulties. The Teacher may feel it is necessary to report the concerns to the Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator (SENCo) as further intervention could be required. The SENCo and teacher may then meet with the parents to discuss the concerns and agree the action they want to take. The school and parents may agree an Individual Educational Plan (IEP) which will set out targets to help the child progress. If, following assessment of this intervention, further help is needed; it may be decided to refer the child for an assessment by the Education Psychologist who can provide advice to the school on strategies to help the child. If the child still does not make progress, the school may decide to make a request to the Local Authority to carry out a Formal Statutory Assessment of the child’s special educational needs. This could provide extra funding for support and resources specifically for the child.
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