Expository Text and Middle School Students: Some Lessons

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Expository Text and Middle School Students: Some Lessons Learned Chris Street Voices from the Middle Abstract When students reach their middle school years, they are entering a very important phase where reading is essential to their education. However, this is a time when students are known for avoiding reading. This finding is based on the article “Expository Text and Middle School Students: Some Lessons Learned” written by Chris Street. According to the article, one of the solutions to engaging students with expository text is to treat narrative text and expository text differently. They necessitate dissimilar skills and teaching methods. Another solution is to construct reading activities so that there is a before, during and after stages of reading knowledge. Expository text comprises the greater part of what we read which includes essays, directions, documents, journals, magazine and newspaper articles, and other things. Students need to familiarize themselves with how these texts work and what to do when they start reading these types of texts. Chris Street wrote an original research article, “Expository Text and Middle School Students: Some Lessons Learned”, and tells us that middle school students face difficulty reading expository texts because they were not taught how to read in this fashion while in elementary school. While in elementary school, they read short novels and chapter books, whereas, in middle school they are expected to read content area text. According to this article, teachers can help their middle school students overcome reading deficiencies by developing a student’s former knowledge on a subject before reading it. Street provides very good strategies on how to engage students with expository text, which consists of: before reading, during reading, and after reading. Before reading strategies include developing

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