Two Kids By Amy Tan

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Two Kinds(Amy Tan) 'Two Kinds' by Amy Tan depicts a Chinese girl Jing-mei who is constantly being expected to become a child prodigy from her mother. Her mother, a domestic cleaner, dreams of being famous and respected through her daughter's achievements. That is why she makes every effort to shape a genius out of her daughter. At first, Jing-mei's mother wants her to be a Chinese Shirley Temple, a movie star. Then, having read heaps of child-prodigy stories, the woman starts testing her daughter in various fields starting with geography and maths, and ending with the Bible. Needless to say, every time the child falls short of the expectations. Soon Jing-mei, who is all the time made to long for perfection and become a prodigy, finds her own self through the denial of her identity. As a result, to protect her identity which has never been recognized by her mother, Jing-mei fails to present a good play at the music talent show. This desire to stay herself drives the girl through her life. She 'fails' her mother lots of times, every time 'asserting her will, her right to fall short of expectations'. The girl "didn't get straight As", "didn't become class president", "didn't get into Stanford", "dropped out of college" because she does not think she can be what she wants to, but she could only be herself. Therefore, the causes (Jing-mei's mother's refusal to recognize her daughter's natural abilities and pressing the child into changing her nature) brought the result of Jing-mei's denial of all the things her mother wanted her to achieve in life and her deliberate failures in many fields. However, the girl manages to win her right to stay the way she wants. The Relationship of Mothers and their Expectations to Daughters in Amy Tan’s is that our mothers have played very valuable roles in making us who a we are and what we have become of ourselves. They have
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