Everyday Use By Jamaica Kincaid Analysis

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Similitude of theme in “Everyday use” by Alice Walker and “Girl” by Jamaica Kincaid Everyone in life come from a group of population that is unique, a group of population that has an identity that distinguishes him in the society. An identity related to culture, to tradition, coming from deep roots of ancestors, and that is transmitted from generation to generation through education we receive from our parents, an identity that makes us specific the way we are. I am not the only one who believe that parents must emphasize cultural and traditional values in their children’s education, Alice walker and Jamaica Kincaid also think that education receive from parents is the one that sets the foundation of any individual, it is the real…show more content…
This is illustrated when the narrator said “she washed us in a river of make.believe, burned us with a lot of knowl edge we didn’t necessarily need to know” (24). The mother resents the education, sophistication, and air of superiority that Dee has acquired over the years. She fantasizes about reuniting with her daughter on a television talk show and about Dee expressing gratitude for what the mother has done for her. This brief fantasy reveals the distance between the two and how underappreciate the mother feels, this is the beginning of conflict in the story. The mother doesn’t understand the daughter’s life, and this failure to understand leads to her to distrust her daughter. Dee sees her new persona as liberating, whereas the mother sees it as a rejection of her family and her origins. Dee indeed rejects her family by changing her name to “Wangero”, “she’s dead”, she responded when asked “what happen to Dee” (28). Later, Dee tried to get stuff from the house like the bench, the butter chunk, just as decorative objects but her mother sees those “objects” as a symbol, as a living proof of her family, her tradition. The mother wants her daughter to see those precious objects that way too. She wants Dee to see the history of their…show more content…
“Everyday use” is told in the first person point of view. The narrator, an uneducated woman, tells the story herself, the reader learn what she thinks about her two daughters and her observations reveal her astute observations about life. By putting the narrator at center stage, Walker confirms her values and importance in society. On the other hand, “Girl” consists of a single sentence of advice a mother imparts to her daughter. Kincaid uses semicolon to separate the admonishments and words of wisdom but often repeat herself especially to warn her daughter against becoming a “slut”. Besides that, “Girl” doesn’t move forward chronologically: there is no beginning, middle or end to the

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