Thoughts About Horror Movies

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Thoughts about Horror Movies Truthfully speaking, I am not a big fan of horror movies. But, there is something addictive about horror movies that made me curious and wants to watch it again. Since I am not a big fan of horror movies, I only know if there is new horror movie from social media, like twitter, or from commercial on television. Usually, I will watch one movie if many people likes it and told me that the movie is really good. Sometimes, I ask my friend who is a fan of horror movies for some horror movies recommendation. Actually, I am not as brave as now. Before, I always rejects when my friends ask me to watch horror movies together. I was so scary because after I watch the movie, the ghosts in the movie will suddenly pops out in my head for sure, and I will found myself cannot sleep at night. This kind of things that makes me does not want to watch horror movies, but my friends keep forced me to watch the movie. At first, for half of the movie I watched with eyes closed, but after get used I am not that scared anymore. But still, I closed my eyes and screamed when the ghosts appeared. For me, I prefer movies about zombies over ghosts movies, because zombies are not real, meanwhile ghosts are really exists, and I must say Indonesian ghosts are more scary than foreign ghosts, maybe because I live in Indonesia, so it felt so real. On the other side, I think horror movies can release stress too, because when you scream, it will decrease your stress, and better to watch horror movies together with friends, because there is no fun if you watch it alone. In short, I think it is good to watch horror movies sometimes, because for me, any kind of movies will help you refresh your brain.
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