The Ways of Dealing with College Pressure

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Students have different types of pressure when it comes to college. Students can succeed or fail on the way they handle pressure. Some take pressure as a motive to get better grades and think of it as a goal and others are never going to overcome the barriers and fail. Pressure can come from family, friends, and work. Family pressure can come from parents. Parents are demanding their child to make good grades so they can have a better future. Parents assume if they put pressure on the kid they will be outstanding in school, but it will actually hurt them. The child becomes torn while fulfilling the expectations of their wiser parents. The child should talk to their parents on how they handle the situation. Parents should understand that it is a new generation and there is more to college than just going to school. The new generation holds a variety of social life and students can not say no. Students seem to have no choice when their friends ask them to go out. Friends don’t seem to care whether they have to study or take a test the next day. The student will be too busy to hang out and stop talking to friends. Friends need to comprehend their limitations when it comes to friends that have college and give them time for their studies and time on how to pay for school. Work pressures college students’ money wise and school wise. Students, who live in apartments, need to work so much to pay of the rent. Some students have bills and car payments that have to be paid each month. These students might have to search for a job that they don’t like but pays a lot of money. Students who work part time and go to college full time have a lot of pressure. The employers need to work out a schedule to the employees who are college students so they can have time for both their job and school. Pressure from family, friends, and work can bruise college students. Students want to
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