The Media Influences Adolenscents

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The Media Influences Adolescents Television has become a favorite American pastime for people of all ages since its invention. According to Laura Fitzpatrick, author of A Brief History of: Television, television first began in 1884 when a German filtered light through a spinning disc with holes, resulting in crude images (Fitzpatrick). From the time of its invention, this media outreach has become more and more popular with the young people. During the years of 1945 and 1948, a boom of TV sales nearly doubled the amount of homes with televisions (Fitzpatrick). This event showed the growing interest of Americans in television broadcasts, but consequently may have triggered some future negative issues for young people. Marika Tiggermann and Amanda S. Pickering, authors of Role of Television in Adolescent Women’s Body Dissatisfaction and Drive for Thinness, suggest that television has become the most prominent and influential form of the mass media, especially for young people (200). As the boom of television has occurred, the media has developed a negative influence on adolescent teens because it manipulates their minds by promoting a perfect body image, displaying unrealistic lifestyles, and presenting dangerous behaviors. Television tends to promote “perfect,” unrealistic, body images. Amy I. Nathanson and Renée A. Botta, authors of Shaping the Effects of Television on Adolescents’ Body Image Disturbance: The Role of Parental Mediation, came up with a simple definition of body image: “Body image is an overall concept consisting of related but distinct dimensions addressing feelings, thoughts, and perceptions about body size and shape” (305). In other words, it is how people look at and feel about themselves. According to Deborah Schooler, author of Real Women Have Curves: A Longitudinal Investigation of TV and the Body Image Development of Latina Adolescents, the

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